Online Registration

Please choose your ticket type and see the additional items for purchase below.  If you are a WB teacher or staff member, please click on the blue bar "Enter Coupon Code" and use the coupon code given to you by the Auction Committee Chair for your special Teacher/Staff tickets. 

Please Choose the Quantity of Tickets Desired:
Would you like to add the following items to your order?
Sports & 8th Grade $5 Per Child Contribution $5.00

Please donate $5 for each child involved in either WB Sports Programs or 8th Grade.  If a child is in both categories you do not have to pay twice.  This $5 per child donation is new this year, and is in lieu of families being asked to donate water, soda and/or alcohol to our event.  

The Sports Programs at WB rely heavily on the funding raised by the Annual WB Auction.  A quarter (25%) of the Auction proceeds is given directly to the Sports Program each year to pay for Equipment, Facilities, Tournament Fees, Referee Fees, Transportation and More. 

The 8th Grade Annual Retreat is partially funded by the Auction Proceeds.  This helps our families from having to pay the full amount required to attend this annual retreat.  A fund is also established with the Auction proceeds for students needing financial assistance to pay for this retreat. 


Sponsor A Teacher $35.00

Purchase an Auction 2018 ticket for a teacher 

Golden Ticket Raffle $50.00

Golden Ticket winner is drawn immediately before live auction starts.  GT winner is then allowed to select ONE of the live auction items. Cori